Remote Area Medical/Virginia will be in Warsaw November 4 and 5 to provide free medical, vision, and dental services. The clinic will be set up at Richmond County Elementary School (361 Walnut St, Warsaw).
Things people need to know (according to the website):
- The patient parking lot will open no later than midnight. Numbered patient admission tickets will be given out beginning at 3 AM, one ticket per patient. Clinic doors will open at 6 AM. Patients will be admitted in numerical order by ticket # and a ticket is required for admission. Services are provided on a first-come, first-serve basis. Due to time constraints, be prepared to choose between DENTAL and VISION services.
- You are not required to bring anything with you. We do not ask for proof of residency or proof of income. Bring all of the medications that you take every day, and take them just like you normally do. Because you will likely wait outside of the clinic site until the clinic begins, we suggest checking weather conditions and preparing accordingly. Since the wait can be a long one, it's also a good idea to bring food, water, and entertainment like books or games.
- Additional information is online on the Frequently Asked Questions page.