NOAA helps improve coastal resilience with green infrastructure database

NOAA's Green Infrastructure Effectiveness Database includes
literature sources containing information on the effectiveness of green infrastructure to reduce the impacts of coastal hazards, such as inundation and erosion from tropical storms and cyclones, more frequent precipitation events, and sea level rise. The database contains records from a wide range of sources, such as peer-reviewed journals, online tools, and gray literature, and includes information on 32 different coastal green infrastructure types. The green infrastructure techniques referenced cover a full range of approaches to coastal management, including natural, nature-based (e.g., low-impact development), structural, and policies. (database description)

Users can conduct a simple and advanced searches. The latter has numerous options, such as the infrastructure type, hazards, methodological approaches, scale, region, and source type. It makes researching easier. In both kinds of searches, the NOAA provides "descriptions, key findings, measures of effectiveness, co-benefits, and other helpful information about each literature source selected" and links to the resource (if available). Remember to try Sci-Hub if the report/study/paper is behind a paywall.