The Lancaster County Board of Supervisors is holding a special meeting Tuesday, August 1 at 5:30 pm at the Lancaster County Administration Building (8311 Mary Ball Rd, Lancaster in the Board Meeting Room). The board will hold a work session on the proposed Emergency Services/Emergency Medical Services Building with the project architect and staff.
The proposed agenda for the August 1, 6:30 pmIrvington Planning Commission meeting:
Call to Order by Chairman
Determination of a quorum
Approval of minutes
Public Comment
Report of Chairman/Secretary
Report of Zoning Administrator
Unfinished Business
a. Discussion and final review of Irvington PUD ordinance
New Business: consider applications to rezone Parcel 33-418, 33-419, 33-420, and 33-421 from B-2 to B-1 and to consider rezoning Parcel 33-429 from R-1 to B-1.
The Irvington Town Council will meet Thursday, August 10 from 6:30-7:30 pm at the Town Office (235 Steamboat Rd, Irvington).
The Richmond County Board of Zoning Appeals will meet Tuesday, August 22 at 7:00 pm at theCounty Administrative Building (101 Court Circle, Warsaw, in the Public Meeting Room).
Warsaw To Take Condemnation Action Against Building Owner explains the status of the Gannon property in Warsaw. The article also mentions that the Town Council will hold a public hearing Thursday, August 10, 7:00 pm at the regular council meeting. The meeting/public hearing will be held at the Town Office (78 Belle Ville Lane, Warsaw).
Westmoreland County
The Westmoreland County Planning Commission will meet Monday, August 7 at 1:30 pm at the George D. English, Sr. Memorial Building (111 Polk St, Montross). The commissioners will consider
CASE # 1708-CBAE-04 (CBAE-04 Leanne Martin staff report) and CASE # 1708-CBAE-05 (CBAE-05 Janice Volpini staff report).