The approved FY 2018 budget for Northumberland County (PDF) reflects changes from the proposed FY 2018 budget (PDF). Here's a list of the notable changes:
Here's an easier-to-read version of the approved budget, with added categories for amount and percentage changes.
- Schools budget: Was reduced slightly in the June approved budget to reflect the NCPS elimination of the Kids First program.
- 2 cent increase on real property taxes: This is still needed even without all the proposed increases.
- Part-time wages for Sheriff's Office (20-3102): The Sheriff's Office requested $86,000 (up from the approved FY 2017 budget of $70,000) for part-time wages at the same time that they added the new activity Courtroom Security (1004) to their budget. Sheriff Doc Lyons explained to the supervisors in a budget work session that the new activity pulls out of Wages - Part-Time (1002) the cost of providing courtroom security. Based on that, the Board of Supervisors level-funded Wages - Part-Time (1002) and fully funded ($29,000) the new activity.
- Telecommunications for Sheriff's Office (20-3102): The Sheriff's Office will be updating their records management software. However, the office will not be purchasing the mobile CAD component and so the supervisors did not fund the Sheriff's Office request of $12,000 for air cards for vehicles.
- Vehicles for Sheriff's Office (20-3102): The Sheriff's Office had requested $158,000 for Motor Vehicles & Equip. (7005), an increase of $37,500 over the FY 2017 approved budget of $120,500. The office wanted to buy four new vehicles in FY 2018. The supervisors approved $118,200; this will enable the Sheriff's Office to buy three new vehicles.
- Salary for ambulance and rescue (30-3203): The increase in the activity Salary and Wages (1001) reflects a bookkeeping change. In the approved FY 2018 budget, the part-time contracted Northumberland Emergency Services director was included in activity 1001.
- Nonprofit contributions (50-5302) and (70-7102): Ten community organizations requested funding from the county government for FY 2018. Nine — Northumberland Red Cross, Bay Aging, The Haven, Legal Aid Services, Bay Transit, Northern Neck CASA, Northumberland County Little League, Northern Neck Free Health Clinic, and YMCA — received level funding. The Northern Neck Food Bank was not funded, consistent with the past several years.
- Northumberland County Public Library (70-7301): The library requested $15,000 to pay for a mobile library. Because the cost was not one-time but rather on-going, the board declined to fund this project.
Here's an easier-to-read version of the approved budget, with added categories for amount and percentage changes.