Here's your weekly dose of TA. Enjoy.
- The Community Canvas: This site provides a framework, a template, to be used to help people build more meaningful communities.
But it also provides so much more. There is a summary, an explanation of the three sections and 17 themes, worksheets, and the Facebook Community Builder Group. Documents are available in Google Drive and downloadable in Word and PDF. Free. - Duomov: This free iPhone app allows two people to make videos by syncing two video clips with audio. Read The Next Web review This app lets you record split-screen footage with nearby friends.
Strikes me that this app would be terrific for a range of community events, from festivals and fairs to public policy-related meetings. - Dynamics of Cause Engagement: This report from Ogilvy Public Relations Georgetown University's Center for Social Impact Communication offers important and useful information about the ways people in the US respond to and think about social impact topics and organizations via social media. While the report is dated 2011, there are valuable lessons to be learned for nonprofits and others wanted to engage people in causes. Free.