TA Tuesday is a new feature. As the title suggests, we'll talk all manner of technical assistance on Tuesdays. The TA may involve webinars or trainings, good reads, useful tools, all to make your public policy work better, more effective, more engaging.
- 10 Random, But Useful Online Communications Tips for Nonprofits: Some of the highlights: coordinate tweets and Facebook posts with fundraising, advocacy, and news; use only one or two hashtags per tweet, and link screenshots of videos in e-newsletters and fundraising appeals to donate pages with the video embedded.
- Communication Audit Checklist: This free audit tool from Nonprofit Toolkit helps organizations determine if their look, feel, and sound are consistent across their organization.
- SumOfUs A Progressive's Style Guide (PDF) If your organization is progressive, this guide is for you. It is, according to the Anacostia Park and Community Collaborative,
This is a rich resource of effective, sensible, and appropriate advice for communicators. The guide considers language in a number of issue areas―including age, disability, environment/science, immigration/refugees, sexual and domestic violence―and offers specific advice about what words and phrases to use and those to avoid and similarly, how to think about using respectful and appropriate imagery. It also links to other style guides. To learn more about the guide and its genesis, read Hanna Thomas' Medium piece Progressive's Style Guide.