Supes' work on FY 2018 Northumberland County budget continues

The Northumberland County Board of Supervisors met June 7 and June 12 to hammer out the proposed FY 2018 budget. They will meet again Thursday, June 15 at 7:00 pm in the Board of Supervisors meeting room (old courthouse, Heathsville). They've got two weeks to get the budget finalized. FY 2018 starts July 1.

Judicial Administration, Juvenile & Domestic Relations (20, 2105), Detention Expenses (3000): The Merrimac Juvenile Detention Center Board, of which the county is a member with the CA sitting on that board, requested $52,038 for FY 2018, an increase of $2,038 from the approved FY 2017 budget. However, when looking at the year to date expenditures of $25,000, the Board decided to level-fund this element of the Juvenile & Domestic Relations program budget. Naturally, additional funding would be allocated if demand required it.

Judicial Administration Law Enforcement - Sheriff (20, 3102), Wages - Part-Time (1002): The sheriff has hired additional part-time staff and they will continue working in FY 2018 when their salaries will be annualized. Additional staff include three dispatchers, one deputy, and a janitor.

Judicial Administration Law Enforcement - Sheriff (20, 3102), Wages - Part-Time (1004): The sheriff broke out part-time courtroom security of line 1002, Part-time, and moved it to 1004. The cost of providing this service is $29,000 per year and will be offset from the Courtroom Security Fund on the revenue side. The Board requested additional information.

Public Safety, Ambulance and Rescue Services (30, 3203), Contribution (5604): The challenge with the 5% increase in the county contribution to the volunteer squads is that the County Medic Crew is running about 70% of the calls for service now. The Board will discuss further.

Public Safety, Ambulance and Rescue Services (30, 3203), Vehicle Supplies (7006): The county has applied for funding from Rescue Squad Assistance for one new ambulance for the County Medic crew. This would mean the cost would be split 50/50 between the assistance funds and the county.

Health & Welfare, Department of Social Services (50, 5302), Appropriations (6005): This would fund a program for older residents. Current social services staff would implement the program.

Parks, Recreation, Culture, Recreation Department (70, 7102), Cont. to YMCA (5604): The YMCA requested an additional $50,000 in FY 2018. This would have doubled the contribution from the county. The Board discussed but has not decided whether to level fund or not.

Community Development, Economic Development (80, 8105), Chamber & NNTC (5604): An additional $25,000 was requested to fund the county's participation in Virginia's River Realm. According to those involved with the organization, it's an economic development strategy. The purpose is to market the area to Baby Boomers and Millennials, in particular. Because the website and social media platform use launched in 2016, there are no hard numbers on economic gains but anecdotal evidence from businesses and social media hits suggest people are interested in what the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula have to offer.

Parks, Recreation, Culture, Northumberland County Public Library (70, 7301), Contribution to Library (5604): The library requested an additional $15,000 to pay for a mobile library. No decision was made.