The Lancaster County Board of Supervisors will meet Thursday, June 29 at 7:00 pm in the Lancaster County Administration Building (8311 Mary Ball Rd, Lancaster). The agenda includes the Public Input Session, VDOT presentation, a public hearing, review and approval of recent meetings, and adoption of the FY 2018 budget and related matters.
The Lancaster County Sheriffs department offers the Fireworks Permit for free. A permit is required if fireworks explode, are launched into the air, or are explosive or inflammable compound or substance. Apply for a permit (PDF).
Reminder: The Montross Town Council meeting will be held Tuesday, June 27 from 7:30–8:30 pm at the Town Hall (15869 Kings Highway, Montross). Questions? Email or call (804) 493-9623.
The Westmoreland County Building Appeals meeting will take place Thursday, July 6 at 7:00 pm in the George D. English, Sr. Memorial Building (111 Polk Street, Montross).
The Westmoreland County Planning Commission meeting will take place Thursday, July 6 at 1:30 pm in the George D. English, Sr. Memorial Building (111 Polk Street, Montross).
Cross county
The Three Rivers Health District provides practical information to disrupt spread of Zika in their Pick-a-day to fight-the-bite flyer (PDF). In addition, the flyer provides basic education about the Asian tiger mosquito such as that they don’t breed in ponds or puddles of water over soil, they tend to bite during the day rather than at night, and they develop into adults in about 10 days. Download the flyer to learn how you can protect yourself from bites and Zika and more broadly, to prevent breeding these nasty biters.