From State Water Control Board:
TMDL Public Meeting for Westmoreland, Richmond, King George, Caroline and Essex
Save the Date: June 22, 2017– Public meeting to discuss the water quality of tributaries that flow through the above counties and into the Rappahannock. Meeting at Westmoreland Fire Department, 52 Rectory Rd, Montross VA at 6:00 pm.
Join the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and the Virginia Tech Department of Biological Systems Engineering as they lead a community conversation for input on the condition of several tributaries that flow through these counties and ultimately into the Rappahannock River.
This is an opportunity for area residents to learn more about water quality and also to become involved in the process of addressing water quality concerns. For additional information, click here: or contact Anna Reh-Gingerich at / (804)527-5021
From State Water Control Board:
DESCRIPTION OF STUDY: Portions of the Rappahannock River and its tributaries were identified in Virginia’s 2014 Water Quality Assessment & Integrated Report as impaired due to violations of the State’s water quality standards for Enterococci and E. coli and do not support the Designated Uses of “Primary Contact (recreational or swimming)”. The specific impairments are attached. Reductions and TMDLs for the causes of the impairments will be developed during the water quality study process.
HOW TO COMMENT AND PARTICIPATE: The meetings of the TMDL process are open to the public and all interested parties are welcome.Written comments will be accepted through July 24, 2017 and should include the name, address, and telephone number of the person submitting the comments.