Part 2 of the proposed FY 2018 Northumberland County budget analysis contains two things: A spreadsheet of the proposed budget that includes the percent change from approved FY 2017 to proposed FY 2018 and a review of differences greater than 20% between FY 2017 and proposed FY 2018.
Proposed FY 2018 Northumberland County budget is a modified version of the proposed budget published on the county website (PDF). Modified in three ways. First, the original is a PDF, second because all the programs are in separate worksheets, and third the percent change is included.
Without any narrative explaining why changes are proposed, it is not possible to do much analysis of the proposed budget.
Administrative-related activity differences:
Program-related activity differences which might affect people:
Definite program-related differences are in the Department of Social Services, Recreation Department and Nondepartmental Capital Projects:
Proposed FY 2018 Northumberland County budget is a modified version of the proposed budget published on the county website (PDF). Modified in three ways. First, the original is a PDF, second because all the programs are in separate worksheets, and third the percent change is included.
Without any narrative explaining why changes are proposed, it is not possible to do much analysis of the proposed budget.
Administrative-related activity differences:
- Unemployment insurance: The majority of changes in this category are reductions of approximately 80%. At least two programs had a UI reduction of more than 90%.
- Other activities: Common change areas are office supplies, books and subscriptions, staff-related costs (FICA, part-time staff, retirement), and equipment maintenance.
Program-related activity differences which might affect people:
- Travel: While we can't tell if travel is related to a program's administrative or program function, we can raise the question for the following programs: Commissioner of the Revenue, Electoral Board and Officials, Local Planning, and Economic Development.
- Reassessment: This gets a $100,000 boost in FY 2018.
- Electoral Board and Officials: While this program takes a cut in capital funding from FY 2017, funding for advertising increases 67%, from $300 to $500.
- Clerk of the Circuit Court: Two changes are a 75% increase in funding for maintenance service contracts and a 125% increase for computer equipment and supplies.
- Law Enforcement - Sheriff: This office has asked for an additional $149,325 for an important records software purchase. The cost dramatically increases in FY 2019.
- Ambulance and Rescue Services: Vehicle Repairs is slated to receive a 20% increase ($2,000, from $10,000 to $12,000), Vehicle Supplies & Gas an increase of 250% from 2,000 to $7,000), and Equipment & Supplies a 24% reduction (from 25,000 to 19,000). Overall, this program budget is slated to receive a 34% increase, from $824,742 to $1,108,787.
- Emergency Services: This program's budget will be 43% less in FY 2018 than in FY 2017. The budget shows a decrease of $150,000 in grant funding from FY 2017 to FY 2018, with $0 in grant funding in FY 2018.
- Economic Development: The Chamber of Commerce and Northern Neck Tourism Commission are slated to receive a 128% increase in FY 2018, from $19,500 to 44,500. The NNCBR Partnership will receive 25% less in FY 2018, from $6,000 to $4,500.
Definite program-related differences are in the Department of Social Services, Recreation Department and Nondepartmental Capital Projects:
- Contribution The Haven:The contribution increases 33%, from 4,500 to 6,000. (DSS)
- NN Free Health Clinic: The county's contribution increases 22% in FY 2018 from 71,095 to 86,872. (DSS)
- North'd Little League: There is an increase of 50% to this organization, from $2,000 to $3,000. (DSS)
- Cont. to YMCA: The Y will receive a 100% increase from FY 2017 to FY 2018, from 50,000 to 100,000. (RD)
- Public Landings: Go from $10,000 in FY 2017 to $40,000 in FY 2018. (NCP)
- Fleeton/Callao Sewer: This project is funded at $25,000 in FY 2018; there were $0 in FY 2017.
- Transfer to Cap Improvements for Schools: The county is moving $129,086 to the schools. There had been no funding from the county in this activity in the two previous years according to the budget document.